Keeping your Missouri house cool during the summer is essential, especially when temperatures can get into the searing 100s. It can take a lot for your home to stay cool in the summer. Knowing how to manage the heat is essential as high temperatures can cause some harm. Additionally, it can hurt your air conditioner.

Keep Safety as a Priority  

First and foremost, safety should be the first priority for both people and pets. In extreme heat conditions, limiting outdoor activity and drinking plenty of water is essential. Also, put your air conditioning unit in your home at an adequate temperature. 

Keep your bedroom cool enough, so you can fall asleep quickly and get quality rest. Note that storing food at proper temperatures during heat waves can be complicated, so check that your refrigerators are in good working order and never leave chilled food out.

How to Save Money

There are specific ways to help you save money on your power bill for your Missouri house, but some methods might not be as obvious. You can do certain things immediately, while others are more long-term investments. Who doesn’t want to save money? A closer look at your electric bill is a great start. You can save money immediately by keeping your thermostat at a higher temperature. It is best to keep it at 78 degrees while you’re at home and 85 degrees when you’re away. Consider a higher temperature overnight as well. Since air conditioning is crucial to staying cool in the summertime, you should remember that your air quality can impact your overall well-being. It will also help the airflow much more accessible, which is better for the longevity of your air conditioning unit and can cool the house much more efficiently, therefore saving you money. 

Other quick tips:

  • Turn off bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans within 20 minutes.
  • Window coverings should remain closed to keep out heat. 
  • Avoid heat-generating activities (etc. oven and stove top use – cook outside if possible). 
  • Bathe and do laundry during cooler times of the day (evening and morning).

Talk to your homeowner insurance agent about other ways you might be able to save. For longer-term savings, buy efficient appliances, windows, window coverings, exhaust fans, and filters. Making certain investments now, such as installing a smart thermostat, is another excellent way to save money in the long run.


Simply looking for peak chill for your Missouri house? Luckily, there are some ways to achieve that. Make sure your ceiling fans are rotating counterclockwise, as this will push cool air down. Also, if using an oven or stovetop is necessary, you can quickly use the oven hood to take out some of the heat. For more permanent cooling solutions, ensure that your vents and fans are at optimal locations to keep the home at a comfortable level. Furniture should not cover any registers and vents at all.

Appliance Efficiency

Care for your cooling appliances, so they don’t break down when needed. Service your air conditioning units regularly to keep up when the heat strikes. These appliances work hard to keep your home cool in such hot temperatures. It is up to you to ensure they are running smoothly and ready for the heat. 

Another appliance you will want to keep an eye on is your refrigerator. Be sure to keep your refrigerator door closed during the hottest times of the day so that it isn’t working overtime.

About Sine Insurance

At Sine Insurance Group, we are dedicated to providing you with custom-tailored insurance policies to protect your assets. Our comprehensive packages have been expertly crafted to serve St. Louis and the surrounding areas for the past 25 years. For more information about our products, contact us today at (855) 700-0889.